Frequently Asked Questions
What if the number of artists on the day of the party is different from the number I gave you three days prior to the party?
That's o.k. You only pay for the number of artists at your party. However, our parties are priced for a 10 painter minimum, so you will still pay for 10 even if fewer attend.
How many tables are set up for my party?
We set up enough tables for the artists, one overflow table and your food/cake table. If you need any additional tables, there is a $10.00 charge per table.
Can I hire a face painter or outside vendor for the party?
Sorry, No. The party is formatted to fit the 2 1/2 hour time slot. There is no time for outside vendors or activities, and truthfully it is not necessary.
Can parents drop off their children or do parents need to stay at the party?
That is something that we leave up to the family having the party.
What if my party runs over the 2 1/2 hours?
We've been doing parties for years now and most parties run 2 1/2 hours, give or take about 15 minutes.
Do we have to open presents at the party?
We like the birthday child to open presents at their party, because it gives us time to put the final touches on their projects as well as move tables out of the way for some parties. However if it is a big party and there are lots and lots of presents, we may suggest that you open them at home due to the time constraint and the attention span of the children.
Can we bring party favors?
We feel that their project is sufficient, however you are more than welcome to bring party favors if you feel inclined to do so. We do ask that you wait until the very end of the party, after the group picture to pass them out.
Can we bring food?
Yes. Any type of food is welcome. There are several pizza places that will deliver to us. There is an electrical outlet next to the food table, so anything with a plug may be used as well.
Can we bring extra decorations?
Yes! However we strongly suggest you keep it quite simple. You only have 30 minutes to set up your cake table and our walls are concrete so quite difficult to attach anything.