Is your school looking for a fun and creative way to fundraise?! The Sawdust Factory has just created a great way for families to make awesome woodcrafts at home while making money for your school! Your school will earn 15% of all the sales made using your fundraising program!
A fundraiser with a family operated, small business helps the community in so many ways!
To get your fundraiser started we just need to get a bit of information from you!
Choose a start and end date for your fundraiser, we recommend having your fundraiser last for two weeks.
We will create a special item in our store for your school and then it is up to you to share the news with your students, friends and family!
The more people you and your students can get involved with ordering kits, the more money you can earn for your school!
We will provide your school with a social media toolkit and we can even ship to all 50 nifty united states!
1. Choose your Key Fundraising Item(s)
View Sample Here
(such as ornaments or pencil boxes, etc.)
Key Item(s) must be in the order to qualify for fundraiser
2. Choose a fundraising time period
(Two weeks should be great!)
3. Fill out our Fundraiser Request Form Here
4. Spread the word! We’ll help you promote your fundraiser with a social media tool kit!
5. Students, friends and family buy your fundraising item(s) and your school will get 15% back on those sales! This includes other items in their order!
6. We’ll deliver or ship the orders for your school’s pick up date for you to distribute.
(Friend and family orders will be shipped separately by us, shipping charges do not go to fundraiser)
7. The last and most fun step! Be creative, paint and share your creations on social media!
Great Fundraising Key Item Ideas
Fundraiser Key Items are the main items that you are using as your fundraiser, a kind of centerpiece or highlighted item or set of items! We reccommend something small like ornaments or something with a specific theme such as castles or race cars!
Once a customer puts the Fundraiser Key Item in their cart/order, ALL of the items in their order go towards your furndraiser! (except for shipping on non-student orders)
Here's some ideas!
Christmas Ornaments (around $10 each)
Non-Seasonal Ornaments (around $10 each)
Room Signs (around $20 each)
Things-That-Go! (around $20 each)
Buddy Houses (around $30 each)